Mater Gift in Will supporters, Sonia and Steve Bray, have continued to nurture gratitude towards Mater throughout the years in which their three sons -Davis, Regan and Koen- have grown into healthy and happy young men. They know their story could have been very different.
Both Regan and Koen were born premature and required life-saving intensive care after complicated pregnancies. Sonia and Steve’s experience at Mater helped shape a lifelong commitment to giving back - from foster parents, community leaders to Mater donors.
“We’ve extremely grateful for that because there were people at Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit on the journey who didn’t get to bring their babies home. So that’s where the ‘if we can help in some way’ comes in.”
“It doesn’t matter how many years go on, it’s a still a mountainous thing that happened at one point in time. That doesn’t change. It never goes away. Sometimes I look at them and think ‘you’re huge, you’re healthy and no one would know if you didn’t tell them that you were this tiny, scrawny little thing with tubes all over you’.”
Sonia and Steve’s decision to leave a gift in their Will to Mater Foundation will help keep tiny lungs breathing.
Writing a Will empowers you to reflect upon your achievements and values, consider your legacy and choose what you’d like to pass on to the next generation. It also offers a sense of fulfilment with the knowledge that you have honoured your values and – should you opt to do so – supported Mater’s ability to meet unmet community need.
A Gift in your Will to Mater enables you to leave a lasting legacy, empowering people to live better lives through improved health and well-being. And you can be assured Mater’s mission will continue in the future – perhaps enhanced by your support.