Lilly Kate matters
That’s why Mater matters
Miracle baby, Lilly Kate, was born 14 weeks premature at Mater, weighing just 800 grams.
Based on the Sunshine Coast, mum Emily Kate Robinson was rushed to Mater when she experienced sharp pains six months into her pregnancy.
Under the expert care of specialists at Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU), she delivered Lilly Kate via emergency caesarean before she was whisked away by specialists to a temperature-controlled bed, called a ‘Giraffe bed’, required to keep her alive.
“I just got to see my baby’s mouth, and I heard her little squeal before she was taken away,” Emily Kate said.
Hours later, Emily Kate finally met her little girl for the first time, but it would be two long and terrifying days before she was able to enjoy her first cuddle as a Mum.
“It was the most emotional thing I’ve ever done in my life,” Emily Kate said.
“It was so scary just having her on my chest because she was so tiny and was connected to all these little cables. But it was so special. I held her for about two-and-a-half hours.”
“My baby hit rock bottom, but she fought through thanks to her Giraffe bed and the wonderful nurses around her constantly. Without those beds and that care, babies like mine wouldn’t survive. She is honestly our beautiful miracle baby.”
Grateful patients and their loved ones enhance the specialist neonatal services and state-of-the-art equipment Mater needs for our tiniest and most fragile patients.
“From the bottom of my heart, we are so incredibly thankful for every single doctor, nurse and piece of equipment that helped Lilly Kate get through all the little milestones.”
“Words can’t describe how hard it was when Lilly Kate arrived so early. It was a rollercoaster of a journey, but we are so grateful for the care Lilly Kate received at Mater.”
By sharing their extraordinary story, Emily Kate and Keenan express gratitude and ‘give back’ to Mater for the life-saving care their miracle daughter, Lilly Kate, received.