While it has an incredible impact on carers, often patients and their loved ones feel a simple ‘thank you’ or expression of appreciation doesn’t adequately reflect the depth of their gratitude.
Having benefited from the warmth and life-changing expertise of Mater’s healthcare professionals, understandably many grateful recipients ask how they can give back or get involved in something bigger than themselves.
Mater Foundation honours gratitude with the utmost care and professionalism — funding a variety of vital and meaningful programs that translate into excellent patient care.
“I just adore and appreciate what Mater is doing…I’m only too happy to give to an organisation that is absolutely beautiful.”
“We decided to start having some functions to raise a little bit of money and we started an event called ‘Olivia’s Lunch’. I guess it was a healing process and it still is. There are days when we still feel like we’re back there when it happened.”
“What they're doing is a miracle and it's allowing people to have miracles. Without that team, without the machines, without everything in NCCU, we wouldn't have Moira.”
“Fundraising is something that is really important for me to do. Often times it’s possible to be really passionate about a cause but not take it any further, but I wanted to do something that was tangible.”
Lilly Kate
“From the bottom of my heart, we are so incredibly thankful for every single doctor, nurse and piece of equipment that helped Lilly Kate get through all the little milestones.”
“Mater is the most important part of my life because every day we’re facing four healthy, miracle babies. We call them Mater babies. It’s just amazing.”
“I can’t express how thankful I was on so many occasions where it just felt like you were at the point where you couldn’t go on, and you were feeling broken, just a kind word from the staff here or there, the support, just pulled you through it.”