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Leave a gift in your Will

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Write or update your Will for FREE

Writing a Will empowers you to reflect upon your achievements and values, consider your legacy and choose what you’d like to pass on to the next generation. It also offers a sense of fulfilment with the knowledge you have honoured your values and – should you opt to do so – supported Mater’s ability to meet unmet community need.

A Gift in your Will to Mater enables you to leave a lasting legacy, empowering people to live better lives through improved health and wellbeing. And you can be assured Mater’s mission will continue in the future – perhaps enhanced by your support.

Thank you for becoming a Mater Guardian

Meet our Gift in Will Guardians

  • Rusty's Story

    Rusty has chosen to leave a gift in his Will in honour of his wife, Lorraine. 

  • Jan's Story

    Jan is passionate about ensuring families with premature or critically ill babies have every opportunity to experience joy within Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit.

  • Bray Family's Story

    Sonia and Steve Bray, have continued to nurture gratitude towards Mater throughout the years. Their decision to leave a gift in their Will to Mater Foundation will help keep tiny lungs breathing.

  • Cecilia and John's Story 

    Cancer research is a personal motivation behind the generosity of Mater Gift in Will supporters, Cecilia and John Mullane.  

  • Jack and Val's Story

    Giving to the area of greatest need is Jack and Val’s wish for their gift in Will to Mater. 

  • Claire's Story

    Claire has chosen to leave a percentage of her estate as a gift in Will to Mater.

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